Aam Olas Episode 45
In this episode of Aam Olas, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai visited a family who was experiencing their hardest time as they have lost one of their beloved son, by the name of Yassin. In this video, the father whose name is Umar summarized the scenario of how his son was shot. Umar said that the festival of eid was near and Yassin asked me to buy him a watch. I took him to the market but unfortunately there the traffic policemen and the rickshaw driver had a quarrel and at that time the police officer shot Yassin in the head like he was the son of that rickshaw driver.
The police are supposed to provide safety and security to the civics of the society and to maintain law and order but, there are many cases reported in Pakistan, of police breaking the law that includes shooting the innocent civilians and the case we are about to discuss, is a living example of it. Umar the father of 3-4 children, one of his child’s name was Yassin whom his father admired the most. Yassin asked his father to buy a watch for him as the festival of ‘Eid was coming closer, his father brings Yassin along with his siblings for ‘Eid shopping to the market. Unfortunately there in the market, the policemen and the rickshaw driver was having dispute and thus by getting too hyper, the policemen shot Yassin a 7 years old boy in the head.
After the policemen shot Yassin he was trying to flee but Umar the father of Yassin grabbed him and took him to the police station. According to the Umar, the police officers in the police station didn’t arrest him either bothered to lock him in the lockup rather he was hitting there on a chair like he is sitting in his mom’s house.
Umar belongs to a mediocre, financial state. His only wish is that he gets justice as there is no hope yet to get it because on one side there is a whole police department and on the other side a mediocre state oppressed family. We did our job by putting in front of you the whole scenario, now, there comes your turn, stand by the side of this oppressed family and help them get justice.