Yousaf Jan’s Life Story
Yousaf Jan Utmanzai was born in Charsadda, KPK. His father was a government servant and was working in the department of WAPDA. Yousaf Jan Utmanzai has lived a life full of hurdles and suffering as his family was going through their worst days and facing severe financial crises which resulted in living low standard life. The house in which they used to live its condition was the lowest. He had to witness that crucial moment when her mother took off her only bangles and gave it to Yousaf Jan Utmanzai, to give it to the people waiting outside their doorstep to settle the debt.
Yousaf Jan Utmanzai’s commitment to education in such severe and unfavorable conditions is indeed fascinating. He got his initial educational background till grade 3rd from Utmanzo School Charsadda. After his father’s transfer was made to Peshawar they also moved to Peshawar and he continued his education there in Government School Irrigation Colony, Peshawar till grade 5th. He also went to Government School No# 3 Khyber Bazar in Peshawar till grade 8th. When he was in grade 8th his teacher became personal and failed him consecutively two times in grade 8th, so his mother decided to enroll him in public school, from where he completed his matriculation.
After the completion of his matriculation Yousaf Jan Utmanzai went back to his hometown in Charsadda and completed his FSc and Graduation from a Govt Degree College in Charsadda. When he was enrolled in B.A. He also started a job alongside his education to earn some money for his living. He is also an LLB degree holder. When he was enrolled in the LLB degree program he used to do a job from which he could hardly get Rs.180 per day and consecutively for three years he remained in this job. Yousaf Jan Utmanzai remained in advocacy for three years but his life remained stagnant as it was before, until his mother asked him to leave this profession and he did so.
After quitting the profession of advocacy he started working in a Government TV channel as a newscaster for three years. Yousaf Jan Utmanzai also worked in radio for 3 to 4 years. To get a stable livelihood he also worked in the Pharmacy sector and also he worked as a salesman. In 2010 AVT Khyber gave him a call to join and he finally had a breakthrough.
AVT Khyber offered him a show by the name of Khyber Watch. The aim of his assignment was to highlight the issues of crime, narcotics, and other social problems in Pashtun society. After joining AVT Khyber he got a full-time job and his collective life became stable but on the other hand in his individual life, he was facing too many problems from some entities, as each day he was threatened including his family. They would even sue Yousaf Jan Utmanzai in court. Yousaf Jan Utmanzai also mentioned that “each day from the last 5 to 8 years whenever I left for my job in the morning, I doubt whether I will come back to home or not ”, but still he continued his assignments.
Later on, in 2018, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai started his own YouTube Channel by the name of Yousaf Jan Utmanzai Official in which he continued his aim of highlighting the issues of Pashtun society all alone. In 2019 Yousaf Jan Utmanzai started a Welfare Organization by the name of Aam Olas. Which is a registered Welfare Organization under the Government of Pakistan. The aim of Aam Olas is to minimize poverty in Pashtun society and solve other possible social problems.
Yousaf Jan Utmanzai took this initiative to minimize poverty and other social problems in Pashtun society. If you have any aspiration of change, come forth and support Yousaf Jan Utmanzai and make Pashtun society a better place for its inhabitants.
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Yousaf are a great inspiration specifically for me and u doing such good work for ur society.I really appreciate ur work .I really support from Afghanistan
Kahlos bara slaam…
My dear yousaf jan ,
First of all I would like to praise you for your efforts
And struggling for Pashtun society. With due respect sir i find you almost with slogen that you are working specially for pathan younger (pokhtun zalmy). So i wana to say shortly sir our younger is dangerously sufer in a new emerging intoxication nasha in our district which is easly available in local market. My dear sir if you have me a time i will be give you all deatail in which my 1 year studing in this dangerous nasha shortly i have a complete thesis about this thng including videos, experiment , addicted people interviews, research, psychiatric opinion, from making to using all components specailly sells and business etc so plz help us to awear poshtun zalmy and hole society. We will be afford any thng but plz sir help us
Thank you for your love and highlighting. Your message is noted and forward, hope to get more detail regarding this. : )
Dear sir please shear your number.
you can contact me here:
Mashallah, a great journalist and kind person. Allah bless you.
I am also doing journalism! pray for me……… aim is just justice 4 society……even if i die for it!
یوسف جان بھائی ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ٹول پختنو یو حال دے
Salams brother Yousaf Jan,
You are doing an amazing job in helping the weak and vulnerable people of our society and bringing their plight to the attention of the masses. I was personally very moved by one of your interview and will be helping that person as much as possible inshallah. I hope to be able to help you in some way in your noble task and would like to keep in touch with you. I myself and some people I know would love to move back and settle in Pakistan if it wasn’t for the corruption and problems faced there. I have had some personal experience with corruption in Pakistan which can be highlighted maybe one day in your videos. Keep marching on and our prayers and support is with you. May Allah protect you and your team. I reside in the UK at present.
کرو پلیزمدا ۔مداد
I am from Bannu.
Yousaf jan Utmanzai salam to you and to all my pattan brothers. I would like praise your efforts. First of all, If I describe your sacrifices to this pattan nation, the pen may weep in describing your struggles. However, pattan nation is a separate nation, like a brotherless man. There is no nation, no man in Pakistan to tell pattan the straight and right way of success. Even pattans have been stained with the spot of terrorism. Every kind of blames are put on pattan nation and pattans also fight with pattan brothers. This nation is going towards the
Permanent destruction. All the illegal and unlawful activities are committed in pattans that from these events, the paganist world also seek refuge against such kind of culprits. If we preach them, they don’t understand. If we kick and bit them, it is also not suitable. The only remedy of this ignorance in pattan nation is just “Social Satire “. We should criticise them so that they find a right path. Everyone in our society is nothing just like spectator. Yousaf jan Utmanzai, you are the only respectable personality in pattan nation. You know the solution of our problems. You have spread awareness regarding the side effects of murders, kidnapping, thefts, and other social problems in our society. I wish to explain more but it’s enough but mu All Dear Pattan Brothers, whatever you do in life, think first, tell and discuss with your family members.
I have noted a sentence in Yousaf jan Utmanzai videos .the sentence is , EVERY SINNER AND MURDERER says in the of his speech in police station that ” I did mistake ” or I am very grevious what I did. No sinner and murderer will not remained hide. Everyone will acknowledge and accept his sin and murder. O pattan nation, Use your wit. Why you yourselves destroy your nation, your family, your bright respect and future??? Ok thanks dear friends.
Wsalam ^__^. Thank you for your kind wording and I really appreciate and know its your pure love for me and my work which highlight it self in such a kind wording.
For your comment about the society, indeed you are right and I hope along with my efforts and yours the nation will rise again with positive success InshaaAllah. <3
Yousaf Jan Lala.. Every person in your surrounding having theur stories comprises of failure and success, hurdles, struggles etc. You are a great inspiration and motivator for deprived nation. We have been met several times on different occasions. I am also belongs to Utmanzai. I also faced alot of problems , life risks , challenges, success in my life. And still facing. InshAllah i will contact you and to discuss further things for community based activities.
very teaching story.very impressive. You are a role model for youngs
قسم پہ خدائ چی سہ دے قام تہ باچا خان غنی خان او نورو مبارینو ورکڑے دے ہم ھغہ سہ بہ ستا ہم وی تر قامی مینہ او سرتیری دی جار او قربان
We love you jousaf jan and you are pride of pukhtun.
Please also make whatsapp group
MASHALLAH ALLAH PAK nor hum kmyb ka
Zma tolo khpl khuwagho pukthnu ta appeal Dy che plz zma chnl subscribe k ao mala support raky ma hm new chanl jor kry Dy. Plz help the poor people in this type of condition watch this video to help poor and also subscribe the channel
Yousaf jan lala pirpiai village k zemekay tanaz manday case sheway day.agay k zama uncle said ali shah bayqasora jail k nowshera noor nabi urf kaki pa manday hm parcha cut da ao PTI ASAR rasok day pay us apory way ne neselo 1 month e oshowa.taso ta mahrobani ba v taso rashae ao program pay okae zama family ba taso har se na ba mu pora poyah ko
The man of inspiration
Salam, Lala za sta Sra Mulaqat Ghwarma Time rala rakai. Thanks. I am From Wah Cantt.
your number send me. ok. or. call me. this is my what’s app number 03359797965
Yasef Jan laal ta so leg shte Istanbul ta rashe o delta da mosfero Hal leg ogory che pade se tery ge .o se se pe keg .
O pa sanga Hal ke osege .har Kal pa lakono khlka delta raze kho biea e dadeze na datol Lara ne e o delta pe zolmona kege
Zayt tar Pakistan Sara deer zolmona kege no staso ba deeera manena ve ka taso delta leg vezat oko .deer khlka ba da Marg na Bach she .staso pa rateg cam che her de age kho asem taba de . Kho che Noor taba neshe .delta. Da urep da para raze o biea .pe kasam kesma kesam zolmona kegeg .no kataso ratly she Dade khr da para no Allah ba taso la Dede ager dareke . Ka delta sok bemar she no ne halg kege o ne e asptal ke ale .bemare kho vara khbra da .nor zolmona var Sara kege .zama da dona. Da farz o. Ma ade ko os staso khwka da
I really like what you guys tend to be up too. Such clever work and exposure!
Keep up thhe good works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to blogroll.