This article is about Coronavirus. For the ongoing #CoronavirusOutbreak.
First Two Cases Coronavirus Confirmed In Pakistan. A 22 Years Old Man Entered Pakistan From Iran Who Was Infected. Jafri was in Karachi, sneezing, breathing, coughing from 9 of Feb to this date. The initial two cases of the novel coronavirus in Pakistan have been affirmed, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Zafar Mirza said in a tweet on Wednesday evening.
“I can confirm first two cases of coronavirus in Pakistan. Both cases are being taken care of according to clinical standard protocols & both of them are stable,” he wrote.
“No need to panic, things are under control,” he added, announcing that he will hold a press conference tomorrow on his return from Taftan.
Tending to a late-night question and answer session in Quetta on Wednesday, Mirza said one of the cases was accounted for in Sindh while the second was affirmed in “government territories”. He included that both the influenced people had headed out to Iran over the most recent two weeks yet would not remark further on the two cases.
Because of an inquiry, he said 15 associated cases with the virus are right now under scrutiny, while 100 cases have tried negative up until now.
He said as opposed to making frenzy or stressing unnecessarily, individuals should “avoid potential risk and show duty”. Mirza asked the general population to go to clinics on the off chance that they begin encountering any of the indications and contact the legislature helpline on 1166.
He said because of measures taken by the administration to forestall the spread of the virus, Pakistan is the last nation in the locale where COVID-19 has been accounted for.
“We are on the right track. With Allah’s blessings, this [virus] will not take the form of an outbreak in Pakistan,” the SAPM said, adding that measures are in place to prevent an outbreak.
Mirza’s tweet came minutes after the Sindh wellbeing division reported that a youngster had tried positive for the coronavirus in Karachi.
The 22-year-old male patient ventured out to Iran where he procured COVID-19, Media Coordinator to the Health and Population Welfare Minister Meeran Yousuf said in an announcement, days after Pakistan shut its territory outskirt with Iran, where 19 individuals have passed on from the virus.
The patient made a trip from Iran to Karachi via plane on February 20. He and his family have been set in isolate and the Health Department is inspecting all the travelers that he went with, the announcement included.
Why coronavirus case is raised?
The youngster and his family were promptly put in isolate at a private medical clinic on the National Stadium Road. The government wellbeing office was, as of detailing time, inspecting the travelers he has gone with.
Further, the commonplace wellbeing division was set to dispatch a group to review his living arrangement just as his neighborhood.
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) standard working strategies (SOP) direct that everybody who came into contact with the contaminated individual ought to be checked for the infection.
The 22-year-old’s condition allegedly began to crumble on February 18 and he experienced a hijama, or measuring treatment, at a nearby wellbeing community in Iranian city of Mashhad. From that point forward, he experienced a cerebral pain.

He showed up in Karachi on February 20, demonstrating that there were chances that the warm screening machines at the air terminals for those entering the nation might not have worked all things considered. The machines should promptly recognize higher-than-regular internal heat level.
No data was promptly accessible about the subsequent case recognized in Pakistan.
In the interim, the Balochistan government as a prudent step reported the conclusion of all instruction establishments in the region until March 15.
As per Balochistan Minister for Secondary and Higher Education Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind, all administration schools, madressahs and non-public schools in the region will stay shut until March 15.
Spread of the coronavirus
The coronavirus has killed at any rate 2,700 individuals around the globe while more than 81,000 have been contaminated.
The infection is accepted to have begun toward the end of last year in a nourishment advertise in the Chinese city of Wuhan that was wrongfully selling natural life. Wellbeing specialists figure it might have begun in bats and afterward went to people, conceivably by means of another creature species.
On Wednesday, the World Health Organization said there are currently increasingly new instances of the coronavirus detailed every day outside China than inside the hardest-hit nation.
The UN wellbeing office had placed the quantity of new cases in China at 411 on Tuesday, while those enrolled outside the nation remained at 427.
Wear masks, drink water to avoid drying up of throat !! Avoid going to markets, malls and other public places !! Virus has been detected near national stadium i believe and even if not then even avoid going to those areas !. Wear n95 masks and stay safe, first Corona case is reported in Karachi. ðŸ˜

Just be careful. If you get sick, seek immediate medical attention
Common Symptoms of Coronavirus
The side effects of most coronaviruses are like some other upper respiratory disease, including runny nose, hacking, sore throat, and now and then a fever. Much of the time, you won’t know whether you have a coronavirus or an alternate cold-causing virus, for example, rhinovirus.
You could get lab tests, including nose and throat societies and blood work, to see if your virus was brought about by a coronavirus, however there’s no motivation to. The test outcomes wouldn’t change how you treat your indications, which normally leave in a couple of days.
In any case, if a coronavirus contamination spreads to the lower respiratory tract (your windpipe and your lungs), it can cause pneumonia, particularly in more established individuals, individuals with coronary illness, or individuals with debilitated insusceptible frameworks.
Border closed
Before the end of last week, Pakistan shut off its fringe with Iran, where 19 individuals have passed on of coronavirus up until now, while another 139 individuals — including the nation’s agent wellbeing priest, Iraj Harirchi — were contaminated. Tehran’s loss of life is the most elevated than any nation other than China.
The infection has started in China, where it has slaughtered in excess of 2,700 individuals up until now.
Around the globe, more than 80,000 individuals have been contaminated with coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), with the vast majority of the cases in China — over 78,000.
#COVIDー19 #coronaviruspakistan #CoronavirusOutbreak