Aam Olas Episode 84
In this episode of Aam Olas, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai interviewed a daughter who killed her father because he told her not to do conversation on phone with boys. As Yousaf Jan Utmanzai was told to interview this culprit, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai said that I was amazed because I have heard many cases of sons killing their father but this was something different for me because daughters in comparison with sons love their father the most but it’s the truth that a daughter killed his father.
When Yousaf Jan Utmanzai asked the question form the investigation officer he said that they were informed that a man has committed suicide. So when the police reached the crime scene and when they started their investigating and started to observe the scenario they concluded that the culprit is the demised daughter. According to the police, the culprit was in intimate relation with some guy and her father stopped her from doing such things because it is something that is against our cultural and religious norms. So the killer got hyper and then picked the gun and shot her father. For one week even the brothers of the culprit didn’t know that their sister is the killer but when the investigation got completed then they realized.
There is nothing more to say except to follow your cultural and religious norms because it directs you to the right path. If you have any quires or thoughts do mention in the comment box below.