Aam Olas Episode 34
By keeping in mind the true meaning of society and the teachings of Islam, An ethnic TV channel AVT Khyber Ex reporter Yousaf Jan Utmanzai took an initiative and started a social welfare Organization by the name of “Aam Olas” to help the financially weak people of Pashtun society by the donation of the generous, humble, humane and helpful individuals of Pashtun society. Yousaf Jan Utmanzai also runs a YouTube Channel by the name of Yousaf Jan Utmanzai Official. His aim is to highlight and resolve the issues regarding crime, poverty and other social problems.
In this episode of Aam Olas, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai visited a family in the region of Sawabi, KPK. This family comprises of two members a mother and a son. The son name is wali who is in his 40s and is suffering from some physical disability since his birth and is bedridden from almost 40 years. His mother is in her 80s and is going through her worst time as she is facing extreme financial problems. This family is forced to live in a hut between the fields for 13 years without having any basic facilities of living. The only hope for that disabled son is his mother whom is taking care of him.
Our religion Islam encourages us to help and support our fellow beings but it seems that only few percent of the individuals from our societies are interested in welfare, which is a bitter truth.