Aam Olas Episode 230
In this episode of Aam Olas, Yousaf Jan Utmanzai visited a region in KPK by the name of sheikh Kaley where a 2 years old girl was been raped and her body was humiliated. Such cases are on the rise in Pakistan and the state doesn’t seem in a position to mitigate or put stop to it. Such cases even happened in the past in Pakistan but in some cases, it wasn’t recorded or put forth but now the scenario is different as it’s the era of social media and none remains concealed. Whatever the case is but the one necessary thing is to put stop to it.
When Yousaf Jan Utmanzai was informed about this brutality, he immediately visited the affected family and to play his role to put forth the ground reality of this brutality. The father of the demised one said that a few days back her daughter went missing and they looked everywhere with the Police but they were unable to locate her. On the next day, one of the locals went to collect hay and there he found the dead body of that two-year-old Zainab. Who was raped and brutally murdered.
The Police were informed and they visited the crime scene and informed the father of the 2 years old Zainab. That sight was indeed the worst nightmare for her father. The Police are now investigating the case and soon will reach the culprit. The only way to stop such brutality is Public execution, without the public execution such brutality couldn’t be stopped.
Let’s see whether Zainab of KPK gets justice or not!!!