Aam Olas Episode 202
This episode of Aam Olas is in contrast with the ordinary one. This episode is regarding the resent blasphemy incident that happened in Peshawar, where a young boy (Ghazi Khalid/ Ghazi bin Faisal) shot the person (Tahir) in front of Judge in Peshawar court. We saw various incidents like blasphemy in the past and the present such incidents are on the rise. In the recent case, some of the sources say that the culprit was a mental patient but I don’t understand none of the mental patients has ever said that he is the president of the United States Of America but whenever such people arise they always claim the prophethood.
The culprit, in this case, is the being killed by Ghazi Khalid, whose name was Tahir Ahmad Naseem, he was an American citizen and was living in Chicago USA. This whole thing started when the culprit Tahir Ahmad sent a Facebook request to Awais Malik, after accepting they had a conversation and the culprit Tahir Ahmad said he is the last Prophet and the last Messiah Hazrat ESA (AS) – [Naoozubillah] and started the preaching, so Awais Malik submitted his FIR in the nearest Police station in Peshawar and told the whole story of the culprit and provided the police with the evidence.
Ghazi Khalid Story
A team was tasked under the command of DSP by the KP Police and they have started their assignment. The police told Awais Malik who has reported the FIR, to invite the culprit Tahir Ahmad to Peshawar. When the culprit came to Peshawar from the US, the police arrested him. This whole incident happened almost 2 & a half years ago. When the culprit was caught he started his preaching to police in the police station and also in court in front of the judge but hears comes the Pakistani judicial system which leaves a question mark, why?. Why didn’t the court gave him sentenced to death for such blasphemes act rather than keeping him like a parrot in the cage. There also rises a question on Imran Khan as he said he will improve the judicial system.
Moreover, Awais Malik was contacted by the US embassy several times and also received calls from foreign countries like Finland to rest this case. The officials also said that when the culprit was in jail he was visited by many people round about 70 to 80, which is kind of suspicious. So the police did their job the civic Awais Malik did his job by informing the police but the judicial system failed, because of which a boy stood up and killed him and gave him what he deserved.
Now some people say that Ghazi Khalid took the wrong step by taking law in his own hands. So for those who say such, when you don’t get justice such scenarios will happen. That’s the detail of the whole Ghazi Khalid story case. If you have any thoughts or quires do mention in the comment box below.
SucH A Glorious Way Uh Explain The. All sTory…
If a person claimed himself a prophet in modern era, he’s extremist, and he’s serious threat to peace , killing this kind of person isn’t terrorism, also we need to tell the world, don’t give citizenship to such extremists, other wise this would be considered as interference to our country policies, Love for Ghazi Faisal ❤️,Some Western people use it as poison pashtuns are peace full and its our right to love our final prophet Muhammad PBUH, and we respect all other religions.